
Education Reform

Seventy-two hours into the new school year and 
I'm already wishing for a snow day.

insert my local station and school district above

It has nothing to do with all the trees sacrificed year after year so I can have mounds of papers to sign and boxes to check off. 

The fact that dry erase markers were on the school supply list and the teacher doesn't even have a dry erase board isn't an issue. That did not irritate the hell outta me at all.

It's really simple.  Relatively trivial.
I'd much rather be doing this

lots and lots of this....

obviously she's not a blogger. we all know bloggers sleep standing up.

I think the entire education system needs to be revamped. 

Starting with hours of operation. 

No parent should be forced out of bed when it's still night time outside just so they can force their children out of bed who didn't even want to go to bed in the first place.

Why don't we just build special schools for children of bloggers?! 

No. They wouldn't ride the short bus or wear helmets. 

The school would be open 24/7. Blogger hours. 

You'd drop your kids off when you got good and ready, pick them up when you felt like it, and wouldn't get labeled neglectful or lazy or told you don't have a real job so you should be homeschooling anyway.

I'm gonna draft the petition and get the ball rolling.

Right after my nap.

news photo: sparking phoenix
sleeping photo: brenda's basics


  1. Lady Bren8/25/2011

    Sign me up for your reform!!

  2. I'm on board. Bring on the petition...and the extra fluffy pillows!

  3. with a name like Lady Bren, you're signing first!

  4. somehow i knew i could count on you to further the cause

  5. coffeelovinmom8/25/2011

    Where do I sign?

  6. on the dotted line. i'll have my people get in touch with your people!

  7. Stesha8/27/2011

    I'm game for a Blogger's Boarding School for kids. #JustSaying

    Hugs and Mocha,

  8. Hah, I wish you were my parent growing up! I'm all about sleep. Sleep is good and healthy and yes, I totally agree.

    Show me where to sign up!

  9. get your e-signature ready...it's headed your way!

  10. Tanyetta8/29/2011

    TOO FUNNY!!!

  11. Tanyetta8/29/2011

    Sign me up! My son has to be at the bus stop at 645am. He's in 1st grade. Bless his heart.

  12. that's just too early, girl! those babies are tired before they even get to school...


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