
Today's Video: Reverse Shopping Haul

I gotta be completely honest and tell you I just learned what a shopping haul video was. All this time, I've been calling them a shopping-show-your-stuff-how-to.

This is a bit different. Hence, the word reverse.

If you can't see the video CLICK HERE.

The store employee said they only take items that have been in stores the past 18 months. Not the case when you browse the racks. There was some outdated stuff up in there. I suggest they go through and purge it all and donate those items to Goodwill.

I didn't find anything there that I couldn't get brand new for the same price at Ross or on clearance at Kohl's. They paid about $2.68 for each piece they bought from me which is close to what you'll get at a garage sale.

If I see another shop around town, I'll stop in and give them a try.


  1. I absolutely love Kohls. Decorated three bathrooms, two bedrooms, and my kitchen for under $1000. Love it! You are an inspiring savvy shopper.

  2. well you ain't too bad yourself! that's good...real good.

  3. nfende8/18/2011

    First I need to ask, did you say, "Its hotter than fish grease?" If so - funny AND accurate!

    Love the concept of reverse shopping haul. Every so often, when I start to feel the clutter building, I go through and figure out what I can sell or donate. For used electronics the best place to unload things is on eBay.

  4. that's EXACTLY what i said Nicole! a term we use here in the South..more this summer than i care to admit. i usually hold on to the stuff and let The Girl have a garage sale in the spring and pocket the profits, but i wanted to give this a try. i've never tried to sell anything on eBay, but some people are profitable at it. thanks for sharing!

  5. This is actually pretty neat and I have to say I laughed my ass off when you said "it's hotter than fish grease" ROFL. That had me rolling.

    Anyway I should totally look into doing this. I could probably stand to get rid of some things, lol.

  6. that's the best way i can describe this heat! yes, do look into it...at least give it a try. thanks for visiting!

  7. coffeelovinmom8/22/2011

    I love that you are doing videos! I will soon have ROSS - they are coming to the midwest and were a sponsor at BBC.

  8. i've been doing them for a while now..just trying to do more interesting ones. i like walking into places with my flip and having people look at me like, "i know she didn't!". ok great..we can add Ross to our field trip list when i come to Chicago.


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