
Niche Blogging: Strength In Numbers

Listed in order are the top three all-time traffic sources for this blog:
  • google
  • Facebook
  • The Work at Home Woman (where I guest blog)
It can change from week to week, with twitter making the list instead of google or Facebook, but the one thing that remains the same is TWAHW.

When I started working on the new blog, finding a blog to contribute to in that niche was important. The list above proves it. I'd already developed a relationship with an editor/founder of a site and had been engaging long before she even launched her network. When I emailed and expressed my interest in contributing content, she responded within minutes saying yes. 

Some folks swear by writing keyword-rich blog posts to get traffic. I'm the opposite. I believe you need a community, not SEO. Search engine algorithms can change at any time and I have no desire to write for a 'machine' that I can't control. I'm not saying SEO is a bad thing. Relying on it alone is. 

I've not had one person hire me as a result of guest blogging. But what I have experienced is growth on my Facebook page, more connections via twitter as a result of Holly sharing my posts, and the obvious which is more eyeballs right here on my blog.

When you decide to guest blog, you have to ask yourself why you're doing it. Deciding to do so is a no-brainer if your goal is to move beyond blogging as a hobby.

Here are my reasons:

  • exposure to a new group of bloggers
  • to build relationships and establish credibility in this new market
  • the opportunity to participate in virtual and live events sponsored by the network and its partners

The collaboration has to be mutually beneficial. While the blog's editor was thrilled that I'd ask to join, she wanted to know what I was bringing to the table. A fair question to ask and you should already have the answers before you send a pitch.

Building an audience for your blog takes time, no matter what kind of blog it is or your reasons for writing. Even if you're writing for fun, you want somebody out there reading and engaging.

These points sum it up:

  • find a like-minded blogging community/forum before you launch
  • identify other bloggers in your niche and start the relationship building process (via commenting/tweet chats/sharing)
  • don't become a blog snob get so embedded in that niche and fail to connect with others outside of your target audience
The niche blog journey is not for the faint of heart. I'm enjoying it though. Looking forward to sharing the reveal with you and everything I'm learning along the way. 


Just What The Doctor Ordered

Can you guess who's going to have sinus surgery in June?!

Ummm hhmmm...that's right. And can you guess who would rather run through hell with gasoline drawers on instead?!

Do you recall the whole root canal ordeal? It was supposed to be a somewhat simple procedure. Ohh noo...not mine. It lasted for months seem like. So can you imagine why I'm dreading having someone drilling up my nose in an attempt to fix my 100% deviated right septum?

And what if when the Propofol wears off I wake up with a different voice? Not this nasally Miss Piggy one I've been subjecting folks to all these years, but another one...one that sounds like gold:

Remember Ted? He hit it big! That golden voice landed him jobs with Kraft and the Cleveland Cavaliers. He made the rounds on every national morning talk show and even got to sit next to Dr. Phil. 

I can see it now. The headline would look something like this:

Struggling Blogger's Life Changed by Polyp Removal

or what about this one:

Woman Survives Half Her Life Breathing Through One Nostril

This surgery could be my big break (no pun intended)...everything is riding on it.

I could become the next spokesperson for Breathe Right Strips! And then other offers will start pouring in!

Yes yes yes. This is all going to work out for the best. Thank you for helping me see the light at the end of the tunnel. 


Niche Blogging: Getting Started

A couple of weeks ago I shared that I'm in the process of launching another blog. A niche blog. I also told you I was taking you along on the journey with me. 

I've been making notes of things as they transpire, but wasn't quite sure how to go about disseminating the information. I mean, I know I'm going to tell you right here like this, it's just that I couldn't decide when I needed to start. Yes, I tend to over-analyze sometimes. 

I figured sooner would be better than later and to go in chronological order (as best I can). 

Before I tell you about the paid gig I landed as a result of my new blog - the blog that hasn't even launched yet - you might want to hear how this whole thing got off the ground:

  • the plan
    - it started off with random ideas jotted down on paper. I didn't try to control my thoughts, I just  went with the flow. As I look back and flip through pages, I have a list of things that bloggers are already doing in this space and on the opposite side I wrote how I could be different. I limited myself to the number of tags/labels I was going to use for each post and came up with those too, as well as how many pages my blog would have. I started off being really themed, but as I began working on it, I changed some things. Side note: This is called the 'Ready Fire Aim' approach. I didn't want to get consumed with over-planning. I wrote down different ways to monetize and prioritized that list. The most important question I asked myself was, "What solutions will this blog provide?". Niche blogs must solve problems. I even went so far as to write down what I thought my biggest challenge would be. 
  • the design
    - simple and easy to navigate was a no-brainer. I hate to keep repeating the word "different", but the design is where I could really set myself apart from other bloggers. Everyone else goes with a light background. Ok. I'll do the opposite, no matter how many times I've been told by the experts not to. It works for this concept (I'll talk more about this once we launch) and I can always change it. Like Stephanie O'Dea did with A Year of Slow Cooking, and as I'm doing here, Blogger is my platform. I know you WordPress snobs just predicted my doom. That's alright...we'll talk more about this later on as well. I tapped my BFF who happens to be a graphic design student to work on my header. It's done. I had a vision and she brought it to life. Free of charge, I might add. Thanks Jackie! My blog's design will continue to evolve and the last thing I wanted to do was come down with a case of infatuatedwithmydesignitis. This condition has been known to paralyze bloggers. 
  • the execution
    - the plan and design would be useless without it. After many long talks with myself and dealing with self-doubt, I got up one day and put the plan in motion. Once I got going and determined how many posts I would need to sustain the blog in the beginning, I estimated a launch timeframe. With working on content and allowing time for testing, April is the magic month. That's all I can guarantee. No exact date. I put in anywhere from 11-14 hours per day. I was starting to develop insomnia because I couldn't make my brain shut up. That was no fun. I've been sleeping much better these past couple of weeks. I've turned my Google calendar into an editorial calendar because I need one for this project. I have to keep track of post topics and frequency. 
So there you have it. That's basically what I did. None of which occurred when starting this blog.

Of course, I'm here to answer your questions. Do you have any suggestions?

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