
Today's Video: Time Management is a Time Waster

Have you been brainwashed into believing that time management is the cure for being overwhelmed? Sorry. That's a lie. 
There's one important thing you gotta have and if you lack it, all the time management techniques in the world won't keep you from failing:

If you can't see the video CLICK HERE.


  1. Thank you for this video. It reminded that I really need to step up my time management game. I stumbled upon your website via @Holly_Hanna. I really appreciate your candor and insight.

  2. Time management in my opinion is about having goals for that day and for the next day and all through the week. We do have the same amount of time every day but we have to stay focus. I believe to maximize time management more effectively we have to cut down on small interruptions.

    Sometimes small interruptions during the day can throw us off schedule but if we do have a list of things to get done that day when you’re small interruption is over recapture your time. I’m always interrupted throughout my day but because I have a detail schedule I’m able to get back on track and accomplish everything on my list for that day.

  3. You are so real and speak the truth!
    Excuses ARE lies and what holds us back from achieving what we want to be - if anyone is mad at you for this they are in some serious denial. Thank you for sharing this, some people don't realize it until you tell them..

  4. Larissa - I'm now following you on twitter...thank you!

    Al - we can have all the goals and lists in the world, but if we don't hold ourselves accountable and get things done it's pointless.

    CoffeeLovinMom - Denial...an idea for another video...thank you & I value your input.

  5. LOL, right on DJ!

    I somehow managed to do a lot of stuff for years....even with my poor self-management....because my interest was so strong in the project. Obviously not having kids also makes the equation different. People said the VA can save you time....yup, but if you don't manage yourself and know what needs to be done when you still run into the same challenges.

    Anyway, I was pretty disorganized with my time until I eventually moved to a combination of Rescue Time and Remember the Milk and I almost got it to a science now. It took me a little over 3 months to get it together but I have went from 1/4 the productivity of the average user to nearly 4x the productivity of the average user.

  6. You. are cracking. me up! :-D I get that question a lot. "Monica, how do you have time to do all you're doing?!" That includes watching the shows I like to watch, which so many people say is a time waster. You mean I'm the only one who can turn on the DVR and the computer simultaneously? Or take one day on the weekend to chill? Even if it's not every weekend?

    Anyhoo. Really, Donna, I cannot lie. I am not the most disciplined person in the world. I still have SO MUCH to do! But what I do say to people who ask me that is we all do what really matters to us. We WILL make something a priority if we really want to. I just happen to have more than one thing that really matters to me - and, ok, I may not sleep as much as some people either, though I COULD sleep a really long time if left alone. I figure it's all about priorities. But you said, "Just say "I don't have any self-disciple." Oh I love it! lol! I'm going to remember that next time I'm fixing my lips to say I don't have time to do something.

  7. Shonika & Monica - glad y'all found it entertaining and informative! Thank you for sharing your personal experiences too.

  8. You. are cracking. me up! :-D I get that question a lot. "Monica, how do you have time to do all you're doing?!" That includes watching the shows I like to watch, which so many people say is a time waster. You mean I'm the only one who can turn on the DVR and the computer simultaneously? Or take one day on the weekend to chill? Even if it's not every weekend?

    Anyhoo. Really, Donna, I cannot lie. I am not the most disciplined person in the world. I still have SO MUCH to do! But what I do say to people who ask me that is we all do what really matters to us. We WILL make something a priority if we really want to. I just happen to have more than one thing that really matters to me - and, ok, I may not sleep as much as some people either, though I COULD sleep a really long time if left alone. I figure it's all about priorities. But you said, "Just say "I don't have any self-disciple." Oh I love it! lol! I'm going to remember that next time I'm fixing my lips to say I don't have time to do something.

  9. LOL, right on DJ!

    I somehow managed to do a lot of stuff for years....even with my poor self-management....because my interest was so strong in the project. Obviously not having kids also makes the equation different. People said the VA can save you time....yup, but if you don't manage yourself and know what needs to be done when you still run into the same challenges.

    Anyway, I was pretty disorganized with my time until I eventually moved to a combination of Rescue Time and Remember the Milk and I almost got it to a science now. It took me a little over 3 months to get it together but I have went from 1/4 the productivity of the average user to nearly 4x the productivity of the average user.

  10. Thank you for this video. It reminded that I really need to step up my time management game. I stumbled upon your website via @Holly_Hanna. I really appreciate your candor and insight.


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