
2011 FOCUS

Before I weigh in on 2011, I'd like to reflect on 2010 for a moment. Ok, hold on. Before I do that, let me start off by telling you when I talk about myself - me - here on my blog, I'm doing so with the intention of allowing you the opportunity to get to know me, how I think, what I struggle with, how I overcome those struggles (or not), with the hopes that my experiences will somehow help you. Everything I write about won't appeal and relate to everyone. Read and digest what you need for you as an individual.

2010 GOALS

Last year I went about goal setting in the usual way. Writing down specific things I wanted to accomplish both personally and professionally. I hit the mark on some things and fell short on others. For example:
  1. I resolved to consistently blog and become a guest blogger. Done.
  2. I wanted to earn a salary of $50,000 in my business. Not even close.
  3. Go on a date with Terrell Owens. (I'm keeping hope alive!)
While I'm extremely diligent with helping my coaching clients set detailed, realistic, and attainable goals, I find myself getting off track. This is something I'm making a priority to get better at in the upcoming year.


One way I'm going to do this is by changing the way I approach goal setting. Following the advice of one of my virtual mentors, I'm only focusing on three words and centering my goals around those words. I have no idea if this is going to work, but the only way I'll find out is by giving it a try.

Narrowing my focus will ensure I don't venture off into la-la land with my creativity. These three specific words will encompass four quadrants of my life - self, business, family, and spirituality. The goals I set for each must be attainable and measurable (as defined by the SMART method: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely). I lost traction in 2010 with the measurable part. You may say the same for the realistic part as well since I didn't earn $50,000. I disagree. That was a very realistic goal and some would even argue I set the bar too low, but the fact that I didn't hit my target was due to my lack of measuring and then adapting accordingly.


Those are my three words for 2011.

Content: I have an ongoing commitment to deliver valuable free content here on my blog, as well as other communities I contribute to. It's imperative that I write more for Forbes. I'll launch my newsletter later this month. I'll revisit hosting my own radio show. I'll shoot more videos and share them here. I'm devoting 2011 to getting my book written (thank you to my sister, Deborah, Mary Linnen, and Amy Jo for encouraging me).

Visibility:  I can't fathom becoming a tv personality if people can't sample what I have to offer. I can't make money if no one knows I exist. The more visible I am, the more likely I'll get hired to speak, which will lead to other opportunities. I don't desire to have an extensive coaching practice. That's never been a goal of mine. I'd rather focus on a smaller, select group of clients and give more value than any other coach on earth.

Growth:  I grappled with money being my third word. Keeping in my mind these words spill over into many areas of my life, growth was more appropriate. Making money is important, but it's far more important for me to continue to evolve completely. Many things happened in 2010 that got me to the place where I believe I deserve and am worthy of financial growth in my business. I can't continue giving my services away for free and calling myself a business owner. Reading the book Secrets of Six-Figure Women helped a whole helluva lot.


I don't expect you to follow in my exact footsteps. I do expect you to get up and leave your own imprints. What's the one thing you'd want if you weren't afraid of failing? How will you get it? When will you start?

Photo credit: michele cat


  1. Clarity, Speed, Follow-Through

    The universe likes speed :)

    So I need to get focused on the goal, get it out there quickly and make sure I bring the idea full circle.

    I get stuck too much and for too long in the creativity space as well and end up drawing out projects way too long and adding more and adding more.

    2011 It's on!!!

    Happy New Year, DJ.

  2. I like those, Shonika. And in case anyone else wants to focus on those areas, you've laid the groundwork. Thank you.

    Here's to 2011 and beyond! Much love to you friend.


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