
Who I Am vs. What I Do

This past Saturday I participated in my first 5k. I had no idea what that equated to in miles, but resisted the urge to Google and find out. I didn't want the distance to scare me into backing out. 

What I did know was this: no matter how far it was, my ass was walking - not running. Mission accomplished in about 56 minutes. And I can honestly say I'm looking forward to doing it again.

I thought about taking my camera so I could take photos and share them with you. Changed my mind. I felt myself getting preoccupied with capturing the moment instead of allowing myself to experience the moment. There's a huge difference in the two if you ask me. 

I don't want the process of blogging to overshadow the lessons or dilute my journey. I've read a multitude of posts other bloggers have written where they talk about how burdensome it gets when you live your life for the soul purpose of writing content. Everything you plan and do centers around "your next post" - regardless if it's a personal or business blog. If you want to know what burn out feels like, take this approach. 

Had I gotten bogged down with the photo opp details, I would've completely overlooked the whole reason I was in the 5k is because one of my blog subscribers invited me. I would've failed to be grateful for the connection she made and initiative she took to reach out to me in the first place. I would've dismissed the fact that no matter how many pageviews I get, it's pointless if you don't relate to me. I'm wasting my time and yours if I miss the mark on making you see that I'm human - a real person - just like you. 

This is why I do what I do. This is what being comfortable in your skin and not giving a damn what others think about it feels like. These are the things you're rewarded with when you allow others to experience the real you.

Thank you, Bonni, for inviting me and accepting me just as I am.


  1. Bonni Wildesen6/08/2011

    Your welcome! I did the same thing, brought my camera and left it in my bag. I wanted to connect with everyone on a personal level and just enjoy chatting and walking. You and Brooke made that walk very enjoyable for me, and I'm really looking forward to our next one :)

  2. I'm already recruiting ladies for next year, Bonni...we must have costumes next time!

  3. Yeah for you! And I'm completely jealous. I RAN most of my 5K last night at still had a time of 54 minutes :(

    But it really isn't about competing against others, it's about competing against ourselves.

    And I loved the fact that in the midst of the race, my Pandora radio had a few minutes of "no coverage" and I was forced to listen to the strides of my feet. It was a magical moment.

  4. Thanks, Kimberly! I'd love to work up to running, but am completely content with walking for now. And you're right - it's truly a race against ourselves. Here's to many more magical-foot-stride moments!

  5. Bonni Wildesen7/29/2011

    Your welcome! I did the same thing, brought my camera and left it in my bag. I wanted to connect with everyone on a personal level and just enjoy chatting and walking. You and Brooke made that walk very enjoyable for me, and I'm really looking forward to our next one :)

  6. Thanks, Kimberly! I'd love to work up to running, but am completely content with walking for now. And you're right - it's truly a race against ourselves. Here's to many more magical-foot-stride moments!


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