
Stairway to Success - CONFIDENCE

"I have great things to accomplish. I can't put everybody in the boat and be the only one rowing. I need people around me who feel worthy of success." ~ The Unemployed Entrepreneur®

This image has been in my drafts since November 2010. When I came across it on Flickr, I knew at some point I'd have a topic to attach to it. Instead of cramming too much stuff into one post, I'm going to write separately about each of the four words that lead you up the stairs of success.


I said it in our Action & Accountability Network meeting this month and a member shared it on Facebook. I was explaining to the ladies that if they only want to be comfortable in life, I'm probably not the ideal person to work with. The statement wasn't scripted or rehearsed - about 95% of what I say isn't - it's the result of me genuinely being who I am and speaking from the sincerest place in my heart. With the purest intentions.


It takes confidence to believe in who you are. It takes even more confidence to tell someone you believe in yourself AND what you're capable of doing. The reason women struggle with saying it in the first place is because they simply don't believe it. They've decided that merely existing is good enough. Being more and loving yourself are sins.

The other scenario looks like this: a woman stands on stage and/or hides behind social media and preaches it, but she doesn't live it. She's perfected the art of  being all dolled up on the outside knowing good and well she's a hot mess on the inside. When the spotlights are off and the crowd is gone, she becomes who she really is. A victim of low self-esteem masked by rhetoric, designer labels, and special effects.

You'll never become all you were meant to be if you're living a double life. Lying to yourself and those around you only opens doors that lead to more lies and deception. Success is about freeing yourself.

If you truly believe you deserve more than what you're settling for right now, shout it from the rooftop. Confess it, own it, and do your part to attract it. But just know that when you do, the comfortable people will become extremely uncomfortable.

Confidence is the first step. You may have to take it alone in order to get to the people who are willing to go with you. Are you ready?

Photo credit: IQoncept


  1. "Confidence is the first step. You may have to take it alone in order to get to the people who are willing to go with you." This is so true. I find that sometimes my personal training clients have to find new friends who buy in to their increased fitness or weight management. You really do have to believe in yourself first. Even if you have to fake it 'til you make it.

  2. Chris - I can see where this would present a challenge for your clients as they make lifestyle changes. I don't agree with the "fake it 'til you make it" philosophy. The problem is that some allow faking it to become a way of life. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.


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