
The Unusual Parent

I have a crush on Warren Buffett. And Jay-Z. 

I know they look nothing alike and come from two completely different worlds, but that's beside the point. Close your mouth and stop judging. I'll explain...the Warren Buffet part. Perhaps Jay-Z at a later date. 

Part of my Tuesday night routine involves watching 60 Minutes on CNBC (and no - you still aren't allowed to judge!). I sat in front of the tv the night Warren's interview aired and listened intently as he carried on a conversation with Lesley Stahl. I knew at some point he'd laugh that cute little chuckle of his and I didn't want to miss it. That and all of his wisdom. 

Lesley asked how he felt about his kids not having a college degree and Warren responded jokingly saying if you combine his three kids' college hours, they'd end up with one degree between them. He went on to say he instilled in his children to do what made them happy. Even if it meant not getting a formal education. Lesley remarked that his approach was somewhat of "unusual parenting". 

It's no secret Warren and I are both frugal to the core, but this parenting style is something else we have in common.

The Girl is graduating high school in a couple of months and recently told me going to nursing school is no longer her first choice. She wants to go to cosmetology school instead. Doesn't surprise me one bit because she's always been extremely creative and artsy. From teaching herself how to do cornrows at about five years of age to showcasing her DIY nail art as of late. 

After we talked she explained that becoming a nurse wasn't totally out of the picture. She said it made more sense to go to cosmetology school first and if she didn't like a career as a hairstylist, she could always go back to nursing school while she was still young. She didn't want to get "old" and regret not giving cosmetology a try.

I can't count the number of conversations I've had with adults who pursued a field because it was what their parents wanted or expected them to do. What my children choose to do does not validate me as a parent. Forcing kids to live your dreams is so unfair. 

I'm happy for The Girl and proud to be her mommy (she still calls me that). Despite the many times I've told her no these past eighteen years, she's managed to grasp the values I've worked so hard to instill in her. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/22/2012

    I think cosmetology is a great field and can be lucrative if a good clientele is established. I have a BS and MS in nursing, so yes it is a great field. However I don't know if I would have chosen it if my mom had not put it in my head......


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