
Some Terms & Conditions Don't Vary

Whether you're self-employed or work for the man, I'm sure you can relate to dreadful, unproductive, pointless meetings. This has got to be at the top of the all-time greatest time wasters list, at least in my book anyway.

When I launched my 2011 Action & Accountability Network, I knew I wanted to do a few things differently this year. One of which was getting together in person every week. The personal interaction is great, but it was extremely time consuming. Remember, you're not just spending time at the meeting. You have to take into consideration the amount of time it takes preparing to get to your destination; figuring out what to wear, getting dressed, driving there, stopping at the coffee shop, etc. A 90 minute meeting can easily turn into a 3.5 hour process.

One thing I've learned along my entrepreneurial journey is the value of my time. No more neglecting it, passing it out like it has a never ending supply, or giving it to people who don't appreciate it for the precious resource it really is.


How many times have you heard this marketing message? Meet your customer where they are.  How many times have you done the exact opposite? Twisted someone's arm to get them where YOU wanted them to be.

I experienced this when a woman reached out to me interested in joining the Action & Accountability Network. In the follow-up message to prospective members, I clearly state if you're interested in finding out more information about the group, the next step is to schedule a phone interview.

Wait...let me clarify a couple of things before I continue:
  1. The "woman" in question is no stranger. We know each other. We've met in person multiple times, have had phone conversations, and have attended an event or two together.
  2. My 2011 network is exclusive. Not everyone can join. There's a reason for the phone interview process - to save time on the front end by weeding folks out.
I'll assume full responsibility if said follow-up message is a bit foggy. I personally don't think it is, but why else would "woman" respond with a request to meet in person? 
Hey there...

I'd love to get together with you next week. Your Meetup group sounds interesting...Let me know when we can get together...
Other ladies who requested to join simply didn't respond to said follow-up message.
Conclusion: Once they received more details about the group, they weren't interested in joining afterall. Great! No waste of my time OR theirs.

When I let "woman" know I wasn't conducting any one-on-ones, as I have to be very mindful of MY time, here's what she came back with:
Well, what I wanted to meet about is a way for you to make so [sic] more income through this group and your coaching.  So just let me know if you are ever interested.  I haven't been interviewed since I was 19 (:  


At no point in said follow-up message did I say I wanted unsolicited feedback on how to make more money from the group or my coaching. Did she include the smiley to downplay the fact she was offended at the thought of going through a phone interview? How else do you interpret, "I haven't been interviewed since I was 19".

Listen...I could go on and on and on as to why I feel her response was flat out uncalled for and self-serving. I mean really. But I'm not.

Am I totally out of line for thinking she wasn't interested in joining the group in the first place, but only wanted to sit down and get the scoop on what I'm doing? Considering the fact that we know each other, should I have been more flexible and had the one-on-one?

Please, please help me out with this one. I know what I'm thinking...what do you think?

Photo credit:  Joe Shlabotnik


  1. Donna,

    I snickered when I read this post. I've been here, done that, and got the T-Shirt for it too!

    NO! you are not off with your assessment of this "woman" there is definitely a hidden agenda here!

    I agree with you, "Time" is so so precious, in everything we do these days. We all have heard, you can always make more money,but you can't manufacture more time.

    I would have been honored to have a quick phone interview or talk with you. This would insure that I am not wasting my time either. But I don't think she was seeking HELP! not in the way you are thinking!

    I think the problem is we are so quick to want to jump in and join things, but sometimes we fail to make sure its the right thing to join.

    Not all networks or groups are for everyone. We need to have the right goals and values in mind before we just arbitrarily join up. (JOINERS)

    Based on your invitation for this group, it seems like this is what you were trying to do.
    You were trying to weed out those that you know this particular group is not for at the present time.

    As a matter of fact, I think this is the correct way to form your coaching groups. You really don't have time to work with those that are not committed.

    We just don't have that type of time on our side.

    Just My Point Of View!

  2. Well, Nikki - your comment was a post within itself, LOL! Thank you. I really need some outside opinions on this. Looks like we're on the same page, but I'm sure someone else will see it differently.

  3. Donna,

    I snickered when I read this post. I've been here, done that, and got the T-Shirt for it too!

    NO! you are not off with your assessment of this "woman" there is definitely a hidden agenda here!

    I agree with you, "Time" is so so precious, in everything we do these days. We all have heard, you can always make more money,but you can't manufacture more time.

    I would have been honored to have a quick phone interview or talk with you. This would insure that I am not wasting my time either. But I don't think she was seeking HELP! not in the way you are thinking!

    I think the problem is we are so quick to want to jump in and join things, but sometimes we fail to make sure its the right thing to join.

    Not all networks or groups are for everyone. We need to have the right goals and values in mind before we just arbitrarily join up. (JOINERS)

    Based on your invitation for this group, it seems like this is what you were trying to do.
    You were trying to weed out those that you know this particular group is not for at the present time.

    As a matter of fact, I think this is the correct way to form your coaching groups. You really don't have time to work with those that are not committed.

    We just don't have that type of time on our side.

    Just My Point Of View!


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