
Are You Ready?

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of appearing on my local NBC morning news with Thomas Gohring, owner of Kick Butt Coffee. It was my very first live tv interview and I was nervous as hell. In case you didn't know, there are no do-overs on live tv.

The interview was booked in early February, so I had plenty of time to work on my talking points for the three minute segment. I started going through all of the media stuff I've hoarded from teleseminars and workshops and spent some time on Melissa Cassera's blog. I only had one chance to get this right and I'll be damned if I was gonna blow it.


In 2008, I listened to a Blog Talk Radio show hosted by Monique Caradine. During that show she talked about the importance of speaking in soundbites and actually walked the listeners through creating one right there on the spot.

That soundbite has been posted on a magnetic board in my office since that day. It's right next to a couple of fortune cookie fortunes and my voting receipt from the presidential election that made history.

You see, when I was listening to Monique's show and taking notes, I didn't have the exact specifics of what I was preparing for - I just knew I was preparing for something. I was focusing on the why - not the how.

Why was I crafting a soundbite? Because I knew at some point I would need it. Somewhere down the road  a live tv interview opportunity would present itself. When it happened, I had to be ready.

How and when would it take place? I had no clue. My energy has and always will remain on the why.


Staying on top of your game doesn't expire. It's an ongoing process. Are you preparing for short-term gratification or long-term success? There's a difference. A huge one. If what you're doing today isn't in some way getting you ready for what's to come, you better rethink your plan.

Always be ready. Prepare for the unexpected. Sieze the moment.

Photo credit: whitneyhoward2011


  1. Hi Donna,

    Girl, you are spot on with this post! First, Congrats on your TV appearance. I know you did well!

    But you are correct in saying "Staying on top your game doesn't expire" you never know when an opportunity will knock on your door. I have had many opportunities to come to me out of no where! Some of them, I was ready for, and some I was totally out of my league!

    But it taught me to be prepared, you are on stage at all times.

    You gotta be ready! You never know who maybe riding the elevator with you, or sitting next to you in a restaurant or reading your Blog.

    Be Ready Stay Ready!

    Keep it coming Donna~ Good Stuff

    Nikki Curry

  2. Hi Donna,

    Girl, you are spot on with this post! First, Congrats on your TV appearance. I know you did well!

    But you are correct in saying "Staying on top your game doesn't expire" you never know when an opportunity will knock on your door. I have had many opportunities to come to me out of no where! Some of them, I was ready for, and some I was totally out of my league!

    But it taught me to be prepared, you are on stage at all times.

    You gotta be ready! You never know who maybe riding the elevator with you, or sitting next to you in a restaurant or reading your Blog.

    Be Ready Stay Ready!

    Keep it coming Donna~ Good Stuff

    Nikki Curry


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