
From Flab to Almost Fab...Kind Of

Before I officially get started, let me share a blogger tip. 

No - I haven't saved alot of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico, BUT I have saved a ton of time by:
  1. omitting photos from my blog (no more countless hours on flickr trying to find the right one)
  2. taking my own pictures whenever possible.
What you see pictured above isn't borrowed inspiration from a fitness magazine or gym. Those are my Nike walking shoes given to me by The Girl for Christmas 2010, 5 lb. weights I dug out of my mama's garage before she had a chance to say, "No...don't take those...I still use them sometime!", and a knee brace I can't possibly live without. 

You may not remember I participated in my very first 5k last year. Bonni, my then blog reader now friend turned personal trainer invited me. (Yeah...go ahead and feel free to re-read that if you need to). 

Bonni started a challenge with her regular clients in January. I was not one of them, but she was kind enough to include me because I'd mentioned to her one day while we were working together at the Crackhouse that I needed to get up and get active. Exercise is the area of my life where I lack all self-discipline. She took it a step further and volunteered to stop by Headquarters and help me with the exercises on the routine. I needed that. I really really needed that. I didn't know a side-step lunge from an oblique crunch.

Our first challenge was pushups. We had to count how many we could do without stopping. The position didn't matter so of course my outta shape ass opted for the modified-on-your-knee kind. These were called "girl pushups" back when I was in P.E. At the beginning of this month, we had to do-over and give Bonni our new number. The person who had the highest percentage increase would win. 

As I was strapping on my knee brace Wedneday night to head out for my 30 minutes of cardio, I got a text from Bonni telling me I won January's challenge. I demanded a recount immediately. Turns out I had a 48% increase and the person who came in 2nd was close behind me with 43%.

Shut your mouth wide open! Are you serious?! I can't believe it to tell you the truth. 

Bonni and I will be getting together soon so I can get my prize. It'll probably sink in at that time. 

Between now and then, I'm on to the next challenge. Wall sits. Care to join us?!


For those of you who said you were up to the wall squat (I called it a 'sit' - my bad!) challenge - here goes!

Position A is modified and usually easier on your knees, B is the full position.

  1. Get into position and start timing. Hold the position for as long as you can and record your time. 
  2. Follow your normal exercise routine over the course of the next 4 weeks and time yourself again. 
  3. We'll celebrate our progress when I write the next Flab to Almost Fab post.
I'm excited!!

Disclaimer: You should consult your physician before beginning any exercise regimen.  

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