
Bloggers Don't Get Paychecks

A paid video blogging opportunity presented itself, I threw my name in for consideration, and ended up getting chosen to participate. The campaign isn't slated to go live until October and for that reason, I'm not at liberty to divulge the specifics of the project. Once everything is finalized, you'll be the first to know.

So what's the point of me telling you this now?

A good deal of women bloggers will tell you they blog because they love it and could care less if they make  any money. Visit a blog published by a man and you're going to get loads of information telling you why and how you should be monetizing your blog.

Every piece of success advice I've ever read states this golden rule in some variation: do what you love and the money will follow or find something you're passionate about and get paid for doing it. This opportunity is the first rung on my success ladder. It's proof that my work is being recognized and confirms that people are willing to pay for it. Thank you, God. 

  • I've yet to meet someone who goes to work for free. In most cases, they don't even enjoy what they do OR the people in their office, yet they show up. Why? THEY'RE BEING PAID!
  • If people can go to a job they hate in exchange for money, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being compensated for doing something you kinda sorta enjoy - alot (see golden rule statement above). 
  • Getting paid as a blogger takes a helluva lot longer than getting paid as an employee, but the earning potential is far greater. Please note: I would've had to work approximately 12 hours at the job I hated in order to make what I made for the video project that took 2 hours from conception to final product. 
  • I like the idea of being paid for my creativity. I can name my past employers who made it very clear they weren't paying me for such.
  • I have to continue to be on the lookout for these kinds of opportunities in addition to creating them on my own. I have to let people know I exist and the benefits they'll get by putting me to work
  • Unlike an employee, I get to determine my worth. Since my pay is directly tied to my creativity, the incentive for going above and beyond and standing out is always at the forefront.  In past positions, I've been rewarded for merely meeting expectations and fitting in.
  • Because I have expenses aka bills, I won't pocket a dime from this project...something employees AND start-ups can relate to.
 I don't have any qualms about putting this out there: Making money from my blog is only one of the income streams I'm creating and building for myself.

It's no different from any other venture people embark upon. It takes commitment, time, dedication, and innovation and smart investments to get results. If you think you aren't profiting fast enough, don't make the mistake of giving up.

Planning, executing, and adapting isn't just for big businesses. It also applies to blogging.

Read Bloggers Don't Get Paychecks - Part 2 to get the scoop on how it all came about!

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