
The Unemployed Entrepreneur™: A Regular Contributor to ForbesWoman

Forbes is one of the most trusted and well-known names in business journalism.

Back in January, I wrote a post about my experience with contributing expert commentary to ForbesWoman. A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to become a regular contributor to their newly launched site Work in Progress; a blog geared toward career-minded women in traditional and non-traditional jobs, as well as those interested in getting back into the workplace.

I don’t think I have to tell you how excited I was. This is a sign that my diligent writing and marketing are starting to pay off…in a big way, I might add.

In just a few short months of actively blogging, my work is being recognized by a company whose websites reach nearly 40 million business decision makers each month.

How did I do it? Well, if I was one of those slick internet marketing millionaires, I’d package this up and sell it to you as one of my secret must-have products with insider information that only I have access to. But since I’m not, here goes:

I focus on giving good content. That’s it. That’s my secret. Anyone who writes for respected publications will tell you it’s their secret too. In Jeffrey Gitomer’s book Little Red Book of Selling (Bard Press, 2004), he talks about giving value first – not adding it. Giving frequently without expectation. This is something I practice on a daily basis. Not just in my writing, but also in my personal interactions with people.

I write about things that are newsworthy, controversial, and take a position on things I’m passionate about. Every successful entrepreneur has to take a stand without being afraid of the backlash. This demonstrates strength to your prospects and audience. Results-driven leaders have backbones. You have a duty and responsibility to amplify your voice for the betterment of others.

Having your name appear in writing further establishes your credibility. It doesn’t matter that I haven’t authored a book or won any awards. What does matter is the competitive edge and positioning I have over my competition. The partnership I have with ForbesWoman is one that will help me to get known and increase my brand’s awareness while allowing me the opportunity to help the next person succeed.

In sales, it’s not who you know. In sales, it’s who knows you. – Jeffrey Gitomer

Photo credit: richardjingram


  1. I am thrilled to know your secret. I'm not a technical person, and sometimes feel guilty I'm not making more of an effort to educate myself on websites, SEO, etc. It's very encouraging to hear this perspective, thanks!

  2. My pleasure, Stephanie. We can learn so much if we start out with an open mind and fresh perspective. I'm more technical than I give myself credit for, but I'm not afraid to dig in and give some things a try. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. My pleasure, Stephanie. We can learn so much if we start out with an open mind and fresh perspective. I'm more technical than I give myself credit for, but I'm not afraid to dig in and give some things a try. Thanks for stopping by!


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