
Don't Be Blinded by The Truth

From time to time, I get calls from people who want to vent. In most cases, it’s usually about someone close to them revealing their true selves. A friend who is starting to behave more like a wishy-washy acquaintance instead of the honest person you thought they were when you first met.

In almost all cases, the person venting has started to make positive changes in their lives. They’ve become more focused on self-wealth, career developments, furthering their education, and just letting go of bad habits and replacing them with new ones.

Listen...when you decide to do things differently, you’re going to lose some friends. It happens in life and in business. I experience it all the time. There are some folks who smile in my face, send me tweets and emails but could really care less if I succeed. They stay close to me to see what I’m doing, how I’m doing it, and how they can mirror what I’m doing without it being obvious that they’re really stealing my stuff. It used to get under my skin, but now I look at it as a form of flattery. You can try to copy my creativity all day long, but you’ll never be me. We don’t have the same vision. Mine is bigger than you can imagine and I work fearlessly to make it a reality.

I’ve been looked at and judged my entire life. My mama often told me, “If people aren’t talking about you, then you must be doing something wrong!”

The truth of the matter is that these people are showing you who they really are. They’re being their authentic selves. We’ve become accustomed to the word “authentic” being used to describe someone who is real, down to earth, and positive. However, when someone stabs you in the back, they are an authentic back-stabber.

Keep doing what you do to the best of your abilities. Embrace the people around you who show unconditional love and support. Surround yourself with like-minded people who don’t just say they want more out of life, but actually get up and do something to make it happen.

I strive daily to fulfill my mission: to globally represent what the everyday woman can overcome and become when you begin to love yourself, define your passion, and serve others.

"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them."  — Maya Angelou

How do you handle naysayers? I could definitely use some pointers in this area.

Photo credit: lorrainemd


  1. This is a great post and one very relevant to my life right now. I have one person in particular that I just can't shake the feel that they use me to get what they want and then they move on until they need me again.

    At this point I am trying to keep it at business only :)

  2. I totally understand, LaTara. Follow your gut and reflect on Maya Angelou's quote...it says it all.

    I'm here for you...in life and in business! :)

  3. Anonymous1/14/2011

    AWESOME BLOGG AND VERY TRUE!!!! I dont believe in the saying "keeping ur enemies close to you" ummm no...u defeat those who are against u when you close ur mouth and keep them on the outside walls of ur castle...bc they dont know how to get to u bc u say and show them nothing.
    What I do in my life is my business and thats final. If you dont mean any good.. I tell Jesus to remove you however Lord you got do it JUST do it; and he has! I have 1 true friend and long long long list of aquanitances(msp). Yeah I may be young but I learned the hard way but separating myself from leeches got me where I am in life. When it comes down to it its not about u its all about me BABY..DONT LIKE ummm kicks rocks..mama....LMBO!!! great blogg Donna!!! signed Levornia

  4. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and personal experiences, Levornia. We all have stories to share that can help the person next to us.

  5. My ex-husband was the biggest naysayer in the world. Called me the day after I accepted a promotion and said, "I hope you haven't gotten in over your head. We shouldn't try to be what we're not."

    That kind of shit inspires me to succeed even more!

    Loved this post.

  6. OUTBURST >> Kimberly! I didn't mean to laugh, but your comment caught me totally off guard. I tell people all the time...relatives can be the worst ones. Not surprised at all he's your ex.

    Thanks for stopping by and I'll be spending some time over at Rubber Chicken Madness!

  7. My ex-husband was the biggest naysayer in the world. Called me the day after I accepted a promotion and said, "I hope you haven't gotten in over your head. We shouldn't try to be what we're not."

    That kind of shit inspires me to succeed even more!

    Loved this post.

  8. Anonymous7/29/2011

    AWESOME BLOGG AND VERY TRUE!!!! I dont believe in the saying "keeping ur enemies close to you" ummm no...u defeat those who are against u when you close ur mouth and keep them on the outside walls of ur castle...bc they dont know how to get to u bc u say and show them nothing.
    What I do in my life is my business and thats final. If you dont mean any good.. I tell Jesus to remove you however Lord you got do it JUST do it; and he has! I have 1 true friend and long long long list of aquanitances(msp). Yeah I may be young but I learned the hard way but separating myself from leeches got me where I am in life. When it comes down to it its not about u its all about me BABY..DONT LIKE ummm kicks rocks..mama....LMBO!!! great blogg Donna!!! signed Levornia

  9. I totally understand, LaTara. Follow your gut and reflect on Maya Angelou's quote...it says it all.

    I'm here for you...in life and in business! :)


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