
Selling Your Soul For Facebook Fans

Kita over at KoKoa Magazine cracked the case on all of those Facebook pages with thousands upon thousands of 'Likes'. She tweeted about it recently, saying some brands are buying their thumb-ups

She and I both agreed we weren't going out like that. I tweeted back saying I'll continue to grow my fashion blog page just like I've been doing - one click at a time

While I won't rule out purchasing FB ads in the future, you don't ever have to worry about me forking over my hard earned money for other fraudulent questionable social media marketing shenanigans

The conversation got me to thinking though. Like, how up until last week, I hadn't hit the 50 fan milestone yet. I was holding steady at 45 for quite some time. The biggest reason my page isn't growing is due to my lack of self-promotion. I publish content and engage, but that's about it. 

Last Sunday I got a new hairdo and shared a pic on my FB page. The photo was accompanied by this simple two word status update: "what'cha think?!" 

Within minutes thumbs starting flying left and right. When it was all said and done, 20% of my fans had weighed in by liking the update and the post was seen by 84 people. I then shared the post on my personal page and had three friends like discount thief

The small amount of effort I put into that update took me from 45 to 54 likes. An increase of 20%

A social media expert is going to read this and want to give me all kinds of tips and advice on being more strategic. It's not that serious right now. Will it take longer to hit the next milestone? Probably so. But that's ok.

The bottom line is that I already know what to do. I just need to do more of it. More often. 


VIDEO: Bloggy Boot Camp 2012

If you landed here and you're a blogger or you know a blogger - watching this video is a must

If you're a blogger searching for a blogging conference to attend - you're in luck. 

If you can't see the video CLICK HERE.

You still have time to get your ticket for Bloggy Boot Camp 2012: Brand Edition.

Got questions? Blast em below in the comments.

Wanna share your blogging conference experience?! Go ahead...in the comments below.

And if you know how to keep me from having these intoxicating looking YouTube thumbnails - please do tell!
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